Post on: 2023-4-23Last edited: 2023-4-23Words 670Read Time 2 min


Interview question list

The following questions are used for analyze the behavior change situation and explore how to design the feedback system of smart cushion in i2-CoRT project.

1 Analyze the behavior change situation

First, the interview should be conducted with therapists to make a clear description of who are the target group, what are their target behavior and desired results as well as the stakeholders while performing the target behavior.

Interview questions with therapists

  • Who are the target group ? (diseases/disability level/rehabilitation stage)
  • What is the target behavior ?
  • What are the desired results? (reduce pressure ulcers/change sitting position/...)
    • How long the result should be measured ?
  • Where does this behavior occur ?
  • Who will be involved in performing the target behavior ?
The next step is to interview with patients in the target group (preferably patients who had experienced the first time getting out of the rehabilitation center), mainly to understand their capability, motivation and opportunity towards target behavior.
The interview questions are underlined, adapted from the TDF(Theoretical Domain Framework) example questions. The TDF is an integrative framework synthesising key theoretical constructs used in relevant theories and was developed in a collaboration between psychologists and implementation researchers. We choose this framework as the theory basis of the question lists because there is some indication that theory-based behaviour change interventions are more effective than those who are not. The TDF domain definitions, theoretical constructs and example questions are explained in the end.
"x" represents target behavior decided together with the therapist.

Interview questions for patients

  • Capability
    • Physical
      • Physical skills
        • Do you know how to do x ?
    • Psychological
      • Knowledge
        • Do you know about x ?
          • Scientific rationale
          • Procedure
          • Task environment
      • Cognitive and interpersonal skills
      • Memory, attention and decision processes
        • How often do you usually do x ?
        • Why do you usually do it/not do it?
      • Behavioural regulation
        • How do you monitor whether or not you have carried x?
  • Motivation
    • Automatic
      • Reinforcement
        • Are there any incentives for you to do x?
          • rewards/punishment/consequences/sanctions
      • Emotion
        • What kind of emotion will be evoked while doing x?
    • Reflective
      • Social/professional role and identity
        • What do you think about the influence of doing x towards your social identity?
      • Beliefs about capabilities
        • How difficult or easy is it for you to do x?
      • Optimism
        • How confident are you that the problem of implementing x will be solved ?
      • Intentions
        • Have you made a decision to do x?
          • Stages of change in the transtheoretical model
      • Goals
        • What are the goals/outcomes you want to achieve?
          • Short term/long term
        • How much do you want to do x ?
      • Beliefs about consequences
        • What do you think will happen if you do x?
  • Opportunity
    • Social
      • Social influences
        • To what extent do people around you facilitate/hinder x ?
    • Physical
      • Environmental context and resources
        • To what extent does the physical environment facilitate/hinder x ?

2 Explore the design of the feedback system

The questions for exploring the design of the feedback system are used for understanding the feedback content, timing, frequency, modality and procedure in and out of the rehabilitation center in real life.

Interview questions with therapists

  • How do you usually give feedback to patients in a rehabilitation center ?
  • What are the feedback contents you usually use ?
    • Timing(real time/delayed/under certain condition/...)
    • Frequency
    • Modality (visual/audio/haptic/...)
  • What are the most frequent problems when patients first get out of the rehabilitation center for weekends?
  • What do you want/expect the system to tell the patients when they are out of the rehabilitation center ?
    • Timing(real time/delayed/under certain condition/...)
    • Frequency
    • Modality (visual/audio/haptic/...)
  • What are the reasons/purpose behind each kind of feedback?
  • What kind of information do you want to know from the patients in the target rehabilitation stage? Especially when they are at home.
  • What do you usually do if the patients do not follow the suggestions from you?

Interview questions with patients

  • What are the concerns you have when you first get out of the rehabilitation center?
  • What kind of feedback/information do you expect to know from the smart cushion when you are out of the rehabilitation center ?
    • Timing (real time/delayed/under certain condition/...)
    • Frequency
    • Modality (visual/audio/haptic/...)
    • Where (phone/wearable devices/textile/integrated in the wheelchair)
  • What do you want to communicate with the therapists when you are out of the rehabilitation center ?
  • To what extent would you like to use a product that could give you feedback to shape your sitting behaviors/postures ? (e.g. monitor/intervention/...)
    • How long would you like to use this product to support your sitting behavioural change ?




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